Welcome, dear friends !

We address to you, enthusiastic high school graduates, friends and future students and we would like to thank you for accepting to receive our offer.
To choose a faculty, to go directly to a particular specialization within, means to select a career, a personal development direction and a path to success. The moment is very important and the choice should be done with the mind and soul, wisely and with confidence to the future. The faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics - I.E.R., our faculty, is celebrating this year, the age of 55 years.
For more than half a century, our faculty has formed specialists who can occupy different positions ranging from the designer of a carousel lathe with a sliding table of 16 meters, to the responsible in charge with the quality management in a company producing dairy products to the technologist who pursue the manufacturing of his brother toys, or to the credit officer who oversaw the dossier of his father helping him to obtain a bank loan.
Our faculty is known for its reliability, attention to students and its concern for continuous improvement activity, openness to new and different opportunities after graduation.
Undergraduate studies, with a duration of 4 years, are generously represented in our offer to those who want to be major players in a performance that reveals to the world the answer to the question "How it's made?" referring to anything surrounding us.
We invite you to join our team and if you do, we just say that you've made a good choice and we will do the best to not disappoint you.
Later, the facts will convince you! You will find that we are not preparing specialists for the present but for the future. And we are proud to prepare you!


The Dean of I.E.R. Faculty
Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Ec. Cristian DOICIN