Welcome, dear friends !
We address to you, enthusiastic high school graduates, friends and future students and we would like to thank you for accepting to receive our offer.
To choose a faculty, to go directly to a particular specialization within, means to select a career, a personal development direction and a path to success. The moment is very important and the choice should be done with the mind and soul, wisely and with confidence to the future. The faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics - I.E.R., our faculty, is celebrating this year, the age of 55 years.
For more than half a century, our faculty has formed specialists who can occupy different positions ranging from the designer of a carousel lathe with a sliding table of 16 meters, to the responsible in charge with the quality management in a company producing dairy products to the technologist who pursue the manufacturing of his brother toys, or to the credit officer who oversaw the dossier of his father helping him to obtain a bank loan.
Our faculty is known for its reliability, attention to students and its concern for continuous improvement activity, openness to new and different opportunities after graduation.
Undergraduate studies, with a duration of 4 years, are generously represented in our offer to those who want to be major players in a performance that reveals to the world the answer to the question "How it's made?" referring to anything surrounding us.
We invite you to join our team and if you do, we just say that you've made a good choice and we will do the best to not disappoint you.
Later, the facts will convince you! You will find that we are not preparing specialists for the present but for the future. And we are proud to prepare you!
The Dean of I.E.R. Faculty
Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Ec. Cristian DOICIN
The Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics is the third faculty by number of students, out of the 15 faculties of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.
Faculty I.E.R. coordinates Bologna curricula on three levels, as follows:
L1. UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES with 9 undergraduate programs studies accredited in three scientific domains, as follows:
UD1. Industrial Engineering with 8 programs of study:
1. Industrial engineering (in English language);
2. Manufacturing Engineering;
3. Machine Tools and Production Systems;
4. Industrial Logistics;
5. Welding;
6. Engineering and Quality Management;
7. Nanotechnology and Unconventional Systems;
8. Engineering and Industrial Safety;
D2. Engineering and Management, with a program of study:
Industrial Economics Engineering
D3. Mechatronics and Robotics, with a program of study:
L2. MASTER STUDIES with 23 study programs accredited in 6 scientific domains:
MD1. Industrial Engineering, with14 programs:
1. Quality engineering;
2. Safety and health in work engineering;
3. Integrated concept of technological systems (in French);
4. Design and management in manufacturing;
5. Industrial design and innovative products;
6. Equipments for recovery therapies;
7. Materials and products quality evaluation;
8. Nanostructures and unconventional processes engineering;
9. Design and manufacturing products engineering;
10. Engineering and management of control and welding processes;
11. Advanced Computer Aided Engineering;
12. Management of virtual industrial enterprises;
13. Machines and production systems;
14. Modeling and simulation of mobile mechanical systems;
MD2. Engineering and Management with 5 programs:
1. Economic engineering and business management;
2. Quality in engineering and in business management;
3. Consultancy in mechanical systems design;
4. Engineering and management of complex projects;
5. Innovation and integrative technology (in English, with extra charge);
MD3. Mechanical Engineering with one program:
1. Safety and structural integrity.
MD4. Mechatronics and Robotics with one program:
1. Robotics.
MD5. International Relations and European Studies, with one program:
1. European Cultural Studies.
MD6. Education sciences, with one program:
1. Counseling and career management in vocational and technical domain.
I.E.R. faculty community is made up of all permanent professors and consultant/ emeritus professors, students, research staff, technical and administrative staff performing teaching, research & development and / or administrative technical activities.
I.E.R. Faculty includes today 5 departments:
D1. Production Machines and Systems;
D2. Strength of Materials
D3. Manufacturing Engineering;
D4. Materials Technology and Welding;
D5. Theory of Mechanisms and Robotics and
as well as the Doctoral School of I.E.R. Faculty.
Also in I.E.R. Faculty operate 6 research centers:
RC1. CTANM - Center for Advanced Technologies New Materials - one of the four centers of excellence VET in Romania, according to Leonardo da Vinci National Agency evaluation;
RC2. OPTIMUM - National Center for Research of Technological Systems performances;
RC3. PREMINV - Training Center in Management and Engineering of Virtual Enterprises;
RC4. CAMIS - Research center, consulting and technical assistance in Materials Engineering and Welding;
RC5. CCMA - Applied Mechanics research center;
RC6. ICIPE - International Centre of Integrative Projects.
Also, I.E.R. faculty sponsors three training centers:
TC1. CPAC-CA - Center for the Improvement in Quality Assurance and Certification Auditors;
TC2. CECA - Center for Training and ECDL CAD Testing;
TC3. CEPECA - Center for Promoting of lifelong learning.
The I.E.R. Faculty 3103 students are enrolled in the bachelor and master studies and 298 PhD students in internship.
The mission of the IER Faculty arises from the mission of the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest.
POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest assumes the statute of the advanced research and educational university. The mission of the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest has been thought over as a blend of education, research and innovation, which represents a key towards a knowledge-based society and economy, in compliance with the provisions of the 2020 European Strategy.
In this context, the IER Faculty mission is to serve the community at local and national level - in terms of excellence, through specific means: to create knowledge in the areas of national integrated classification, to use the knowledge in research, but also to find the way to transfer it to the students and to help them benefit in the best way, from the chosen educational opportunities, in respect with the regulations in force.
În calitate de componentă esențială a Universității Naționale de Știință și Tehnologie din București, Facultatea de Inginerie Industrială și Robotică aderă fidel la principiile și valorile stabilite în documentele strategice ale universității, inclusiv în Programul managerial 2024-2029.
Orice demers managerial, fie el declarativ, orientativ şi/sau aplicativ, nu se poate substitui legislatiei în vigoare sau Cartei universitare a UNSTPB.
Ca parte integrantă a Universităţii Naționale de Știintă și Tehnoogie din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Inginerie Industrială și Robotică este loială principiilor şi valorilor consacrate în documentele strategice ale acesteia, Programul managerial 2024-2029 fiind unul dintre acestea.
Astfel, în concordanţă cu principiile de conducere practicate şi asumate de universitate, dar şi cu specificul facultăţii şi al structurii acesteia, la nivelul facultăţii IIR vor fi promovate şi susţinute următoarele principii:
We all live under the same sky,
but we don’t all have the same horizon ...
The vision regarding the development of the Engineering and Management of Technological Systems Faculty leads to the image of a faculty of integrated education and research. This entity must represent a model of the harmonious blend of knowledge development and applications, a standard of excellence at this university and in the country, a benchmark in the domain for the national and international academic and socio-economic network, a smart interface between the academic community and the socio-economic one, whose graduates pursue a successful career. The general atmosphere in the faculty must be of harmony and collegiality among all the members of the community – academic staff, researchers, students, administrative personnel. In the same manner the relationship with parents or industrial partners should follow the same rules.
The Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics is the third university by number of students, out of the 15 faculties of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.
Tel. 021.402.9302, 021.402.9520
Fax: 021.310.7753
Email address: decanat@fiir.pub.ro
Email address: secretariat@fiir.pub.ro