Domnul Dan Vartolomei a devenit inginer in Romania.
Acum este Mechanical Systems Engineer at NASA Jet Propulsion si a participat la fabricarea roverului Perseverance, care astazi ajunge pe Marte.
Ne-a trimis un film despre tot acest proces, pe care il puteti urmari AICI.
Singura limita in calea unui inginer perseverent este propria imaginatie...
Cei care vor sa afle mai multe despre cum pot ajunge sa lucreze in acest domeniu, pot urmari un interviu cu Dan Vartolomei (NASA) si Bogdan Marcu (SpaceX) aici:
Urmareste live epopeea roverului Perseverence:
UPDATE 19.02.2021:
Roverul Perseverance, tocmai ce ajuns pe suprafata planetei Marte ieri seara.
Putini stiu ca numele i-a fost ales in urma unui concurs lansat in scolile din SUA.
Alexander Mather, elev in clasa a VII-a din Burke, Virginia, a castigat concursul cu a sa propunere (din peste 28.000 de propuneri primite de NASA de la elevi din intreaga tara), plus eseul aferent.
In acest eseu, Alexander a scris:
"Curiosity. InSight. Spirit. Opportunity. If you think about it, all of these names of past Mars rovers are qualities we possess as humans. We are always curious, and seek opportunity. We have the spirit and insight to explore the Moon, Mars, and beyond. But, if rovers are to be the qualities of us as a race, we missed the most important thing. Perseverance. We as humans evolved as creatures who could learn to adapt to any situation, no matter how harsh. We are a species of explorers, and we will meet many setbacks on the way to Mars. However, we can persevere. We, not as a nation but as humans, will not give up."