ICMaS 2017

Bucharest, 9-10 November 2017 
Dear Colleagues and friends of ICMaS, 
It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend the 26th International Conference on Manufacturing Systems ICMaS 2017 organized by Machines and Production Systems Department from POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, which is slated to hold from 09 Nov 2017 - 10 Nov 2017 at POLITEHNICA University, Bucharest, Romania (see the attached flyer). 
The Conference will cover ten topics:
- Machine Tools / - Robotics / - Industrial Logistics / - Machines and Equipment / - Driving Systems and Control Systems / - Cutting and Cutting Tools / - Flexible Manufacturing Systems / - Advanced Manufacturing Technologies / - CAD, CAM, CAE Techniques and Applications /- Industrial Management and Marketing. 
Authors are invited to bring their original scientific contributions and share and exchange knowledge, experience, results and information related to various aspects from the studied fields. 
The selected papers for ICMaS 2017 will be published under the care of the Romanian Academy Publishing House in the journal "Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems", ISSN 2067-9238 which is indexed and included in Index Copernicus International, Ulrichsweb Global Serial Directory, Google Scholar, and ProQuest.
It would be appreciated if the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Manufacturing Systems - ICMaS 2017 could be informed of the authors and their papers through the conference web page or by e-mail to the address: 
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For further information please visit the web page of the edition 2017 of ICMaS